Family in Spain

Family in Spain

The family (familia) is the most important aspect of most Spaniard’s lives. Spaniards tend to manage their personal problems through their family, relying on relatives (parientes) for support when in difficult situations. This family network of support was particularly crucial during the financial crisis and recession when many Spaniards lost their jobs. Some people had to move back into their family home after years of independent living.Spain has one of the lowest birthrates in Europe. Some Spaniards attribute this to a lack of commitment to long-term relationships as well as financial instability. However, most couples generally aim to have children if they can. Traditionally, Spanish families have been focused on the social and interpersonal aspects of child development. For example, Spanish children generally do not have a set bedtime as is common in the English-speaking West. Pre-teen children are usually allowed to stay up late with their parents and parents’ friends at restaurants long past 10pm. They often play with the children of other families whilst their parents socialise. #CZSPFTSWSLK#RPculturalheritage#acdlahoya#erasmusplus#cofundederasmusplus

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